Questions & Answers

If you discover a defect in the product you received, please contact us within 30 days from the date of receiving the order. You can do so by calling us

If the product does not match the description as published on our website, you can also contact us within 30 days from the date of receiving the order. We will arrange either a product exchange or a refund without any additional cost.

If you wish to return a product in good condition without defects, you can also do so within 30 days from the date of receiving the order. We will arrange a refund of the product value.

 If you choose a product of a different value from the one being returned, you will need to pay the difference if the value is higher. If the value is lower, we will refund the difference to you without any additional cost.

The exchange process will be carried out by the shipping company’s representative within 3-5 working days from the date of contacting us. The product should be returned in the same condition as received and in its original packaging.

The paid value will be refunded to you within 21 days to the same card used for the electronic payment, with no additional cost.